Wow, it has been a long time since I have been on here. Want to know why? Can you keep a secret? I actually forgot the address. A real senior moment there and I don't mean High school senior either. Then with the move, a high school and college graduation and a sons wedding well, blogging took a back seat. Like way in the back of the 15 passenger van kind of back seat. But now that we are finished building our new dwelling and settling into our roles in ministry here, I find I have time to write.
John and I recently spoke at a marriage and parenting conference put on by the ministry and the women who attended asked if I had a blog. Well, I do but like I said I couldn't remember what I'd called it. So you know what I did? I googled myself. Pretty good for a 53 year old lady, right?
Anyway, after the conference and a little encouragement from my daughters, I have decided to start writing again. Not only here, but I have decided to try and write a book too. I came to the conclusion that the years are passing rather quickly, ( they didn't feel like they were going that fast when I had several in diapers and teaching 6 grades at once) so I should redeem the time and record some of the " good things" I have learned along the way from the older women in my life. So that is what my book is about.
Now that I am the older woman, I want to be able to write a book that aides in the teaching and training of younger women in the ways Paul outlines in Titus 2. It will probably take me awhile, but hey, it's a start. Until next on.