Titus 2: 3b-4 "...they are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children." A blog to help others navigate the waters of marriage and parenting.

Monday, August 16, 2010

There is a first time for everything. Even a first time to blog.  And this is my first attempt. A young friend of mine, Morgan Gaunt, encouraged me to try the world of blogging to connect with other young mom's out there. You might be thinking I am another young stay at home mom who needs to connect with others who are going through what I am, but the truth is I am a forty something mom of 8 ages 25 to 10. Hence, the title "Been There Done That." My desire is to pass down what I know to those just starting on their journey or who might need help navigating these waters.

I firmly believe that we older women should be teaching the younger women some truths we have learned along the way. As my friend, Katie Luce, is fond of saying, "we should always be reaching up to the generation that went before us and reaching down to those that are coming behind us." A continuous chain of women supporting each other. Doesn't that sound good? In this day and age, we might not live near our mothers or grandmothers to receive the wisdom they can impart, or we might want the chance to learn to do things a little differently. I want to have a forum to answer parenting or marital questions and receive input from some one who has been there and done that.

Lest you think I might have forgotten what it was like to have babies and toddlers, I will just add that I currently have a 2 yr old, a 3 yr old and a 4 month old under my care 8 or more hours a day. I also educate my children at home. I have since my oldest entered kindergarten in 1990, and I will continue until my youngest graduates from high school in 2018, Lord willing. And no, I don't have a degree in education. I have an English degree with a Business minor. I do believe that God gave me these children and He has equipped me to teach them at home. Has it always been easy? No!, but more about that in later blogs.

For now I just want to invite questions and comments. Let's dialogue about this adventure called parenting. Feel free to discuss marriage and home schooling too if you want. I am here because I have "been there done that."

Let the games begin.


  1. I'm so excited about your blog, Mrs. Bushnell. I was blessed by the wisdom you shared with me while I was at the HA and I am pretty excited to learn more through your blog. Keep going. I'll be reading. Btw, we have the same background for our blogs.
    Lori (Clifton) Arnold

  2. Yay...I'm so glad you're blogging, Beth! This will be a fun journey.

    I'd love to hear some reading suggestions. Books or authors that have helped you or that you would recommend regarding parenting, homeschool or marriage.

  3. Beth- I have always known you would be a wise woman to learn from. I found your blog from Lisa's, and I'm excited to learn from you as you share. I consider it a huge blessing since I haven't entered marriage or mothering yet, to be able to learn from a "master" :) Thanks for this blog!
    --Beth (from the BSF carpool, Beth)
